2005 Mount Gambier Heritage Show | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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The Show was a feature for Corriedales with four exhibitors.
Mrs Diane Rawlinson from Ashburton in New Zealand judged the sheep.


Supreme Champion Ram of all breeds: Loddon Park
Supreme Champion  Ewe of all breeds awarded to: Loddon Park
Champion Corriedale  Ram awarded to: Loddon Park
Reserve Champion Corriedale Ram awarded to: J M&J Savage
Champion Corriedale Ewe awarded to: Loddon Park
Reserve Champion Corriedale Ewe awarded to: Loddon Park


Ram 2.5 yrs and over   
1st J M&J Savage
2ndJM&J Savage

Ram under 2.5 and over 1.5 yrs           
1st JM& J Savage
2nd Loddon Park
3rd J M& J Savage

Ram under 2.5 & over1.5 yrs shorn      
1st. Wye Corriedales
2nd.J M & J Savage

Ram under 1.5yrs.        
1st Loddon park

Ram under 1.5 yrs. shorn
1st.Loddon Park
2nd. Wye Corriedales
3rd.J M& J Savage

Ram under 1.5 yrs unhoused and unrugged   
1st Loddon Park
2nd Wye Corriedales
3rd.GG&DL Jenke   

Pen of 2 rams under1.5 unhoused   
1st GG&DLJenke
Ewe 2.5yrs and over
1st. GG&DL Jenke
Ewe under 2.5 & over1.5       
1st Loddon Park
2nd.JM&J Savage
3rd.GG&DL Jenke

Ewe under 2.5 & over 1.5 shorn                   
1st Loddon Park
2nd JM&J Savage

Ewe under 1.5 yrs.                                            
1st JM&J Savage
2nd Loddon Park

Ewe under 1.5 yrs shorn                    
1st Wye Corriedales
2ndJM&J Savage 
3rd. Loddon Park.

Ewe any age with lamb at foot
1st. Loddon Park
2nd JM&J Savage
3rd GG&DL Jenke

Ewe under1.5 yrs unhoused & unrugged
1st Wye Corriedales
2nd.Wye Corriedales
3rd. JM&J Savage

Pen of 2 ewes under1.5    
1st Wye Corriedales
2nd GG&DL Jenke

Pair of rams & ewes any age
Wattle Glen trophy                 
Wye Corriedales
3 Rams under1.5 yrs.
Gambier View JR Savage

Memorial Trophy
JM &J Savage
Best Rams Head
Wye Corriedale Trophy
JM&J Savage
National Bank Trophy
Ram under1.5 unhoused - Loddon Park
Ewe under1.5 unhoused - Wye Corriedales
Noorla Trophy Most successful in unhoused
Wye Corriedales
Rabobank Trophy for most successful at Royal Adelaide and Mt.Gambier Shows   


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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