2002 Australian Sheep And Wool Show - Bendigo | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Grand champion ram, senior champion ram and reserve senior champion ram over 1 ˝ years old, were exhibited by the Gambier View Stud, J.M. & J. Savage, Derrinallum, Vic.

Junior champion ram and reserve junior champion ram under 1 ˝ years old were exhibited by Haven Park Stud, G. & S. & R. Foster, Casterton, Vic.

Grand champion ewe, senior champion ewe and reserve senior champion ewe over 1 ˝ years old, were exhibited by Loddon Park Stud, E. & P. Baker, Baringhup, Vic.

Junior champion ewe under 1 ˝ years old was exhibited by Loddon Park while the reserve junior champion ewe under 1 ˝ years old was exhibited by Sweetfield Stud, P.V. & B.P.L. Ellis & Son, Mt. Moriac, Vic.

Detailed results were:

Ram, over 2 ˝ years old.

Gambier View, 1; Quamby Plains, 2; Streanshalh, 3.

Ram, over 1 ˝ years old and under 2 ˝ years old (50’s – 54’s approximately 28-31 microns).

Gambier View, 1; Haven Park, 2; Quamby Plains, 3.

Ram, over 1 ˝ years old and under 2 ˝ years old (56’s – 58’s approximately 25-28 microns).

Gambier View, 1 & 3; Liberton, 2.

Ram, over 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st March.

Haven Park, 1; Loddon Park, 2; Stanbury WCH, 3.

Production Class, ram under 1 ˝ years old, to be judged in the wool, shorn and the fleece yield and micron tested and judged on value. To be judged on points.

Loddon Park, 1; Campbell Springs, 2.

The Geoff Shannon Memorial Production Class – ram over 1 ˝ years old and under 2 ˝ years old. To be judged on points as per Class 224.

Loddon Park, 1; Campbell Springs, 2.

Ram under 1 ˝ years old, showing full mouth of milk teeth

Haven Park, 1; Gambier View, 2 & 3.

Ram, under 1 ˝ years old.

Loddon Park, 1; Gambier View, 2; Haven Park, 3.

Ram, under 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st March.

Haven Park, 1 & 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Pair of rams, any age.

Liberton, 1; Streanshalh, 2.

Ram, over 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July in the year of the Show.

Loddon Park, 1; Wye, 2; Gambier View, 3.

Ram, under 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July

Gambier View, 1 & 2; Wye, 3.

Objective Measurement Class – for rams over 1 ˝ years old and under 2 ˝ years old. LAMBPLAN EBV’s to be supplied. Sheep in this class are to be machine shorn after 1st December 2001 and must carry a minimum of six weeks wool.

Class will be judged in two sections.

  1. LAMBPLAN Corriedale plus growth index (index value).
  2. Breed type and structure (100 points).

Coora Partnership, 1, 2 & 3.

Ewe, over 2 ˝ years old.

Loddon Park, 1; Gambier View, 2.

Ewe, over 1 ˝ and under 2 ˝ years old.

Gambier View, 1 & 2; Sweetfield, 3.

Ewe, over 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn, on or after 1st March.

Loddon Park, 1; Liberton, 2.

Ewe, under 1 ˝ years old, showing full mouth of milk teeth

Loddon Park, 1; Wye, 2; Gambier View, 3.

Ewe, under 1 ˝ years old.

Gambier View, 1; Loddon Park, 2.

Ewe, under 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn, on or after 1st March.

Loddon Park, 1; Sweetfield, 2; Liberton, 3.

Ewe, any age, with her own progeny at foot or visibly in lamb. (Both ewe and progeny to be judged).

Loddon Park, 1.

Ewe, under 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July

Gambier View, 1; Loddon Park, 2; Liberton, 3.

Ewe, over 1 ˝ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July

Loddon Park, 1; Campbell Springs, 2; Gambier View, 3.

Group of 1 Ram and 1 Ewe under 1 ˝ years old and 1 Ram and 1 Ewe over 1 ˝ years old, to be drawn from the ordinary classes.

Gambier View, 1.

Group of 2 Rams and 2 Ewes over 1 ˝ years old; i.e. 1 Ram and 1 Ewe in the wool and 1 Ram and 1 Ewe closely and evenly shorn, to be drawn from the ordinary classes.

Loddon Park, 1; Gambier View, 2.

Ken Smith Memorial Trophy for Sires’ Progeny Group, to consist of 3 Sheep, Rams and/or Ewes any age, the progeny of one sire, to be drawn from the Ordinary Classes.

Haven Park, 1; Gambier View, 2; Liberton, 3.

R.E. Wettenhall Trophy for best head

Gambier View, 1.

Champion shorn sheep – The Roy Baker Trophy

Gambier View, 1.

Wettenhall Perpetual Trophy for the award to the exhibitor of the Supreme Champion Corriedale

Gambier View.

The Goxhill Perpetual Trophy –for the Most Successful Exhibitor in the Shorn Classes.

Loddon Park, 1.


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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